Tuesday, November 12, 2013


I just put my baby to bed on her last night as an only child ... and the tears just won't stop flowing.  She has been my life, the center of my world, my everything for the past 2.5 years and tomorrow we will be shaking things up.  This is especially hard as I have been a stay at home/work from home mom since she was born.  Anytime she wanted something, she got it.  I have been there for her every second of her life and she has always had my full attention.  Now things are about to change.  She is truly so excited to get a baby sister - that's all she has talked about for the last few months.  I know she is going to love her and dote on her and they will grow up to be the best of friends, but my heart just can't help but break that I can no longer give her 100% of my time, my energy, my attention.  We have prayed for this second baby for a long time now, so while we couldn't be more excited about adding to our family, tonight and the next few weeks, I pray for a smooth transition and that God gives me the power to love both children equally and give them both all of the attention and affection they could ever need & want! 

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