Tuesday, May 21, 2013

In Memory...

May 16 was once a due date for us - the original due date of baby #2.  As you all know, that pregnancy sadly ended in a miscarriage, but we never forgot the date May 16 and it's significance.  I knew we couldn't let the day come and go without any recognition and decided we should do something to honor that little embryo.  At first I thought about planting flowers, but like my husband said - we end up killing (never on purpose of course!) every single flower we plant, so that just didn't seem appropriate.  He liked the idea of planting something, so we decided on a tree!  We got to hand pick our tree which was really cool - Nick decided on a crimson king maple - know for it's beautiful burgundy colored leaves and abundant shade.  Since someone else was planting it for us that day, I didn't want to make a scene or have a cry fest, so instead sealed an ultrasound photo and some red paper hearts in an envelope, said a short silent prayer and dropped it in the hole before the tree was put in.  That was the best way I could think of to pay tribute to such an important event in our lives.     

So baby, you weren't around too long, but we love you and are so sad that the world never got to meet you.  We don't know if you were a boy or girl, but we do know you would have been SO loved as such a special member of our family.  And while we are SO excited for our current pregnancy, on May 16, we just couldn't help but wonder what life would have been.  But once that tree was planted, we decided it was time to fully let go - let the past be the past - and no longer mourn or grieve what could have been.  That chapter is officially closed and we could not be more ready - and excited - for the baby #2 - take 2!


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